Jun 072016


On Tuesday May 17, 2016, the Mayer Fire District Governing Board selected Karen Paterno to serve on the Fire Board. The board vacancy fills the position vacated by Jeremy Tucker and will end in November of 2018. Karen Paterno has been a Mayer resident for 30 years and holds a Bachelor’s degree in Accounting. The Mayer Fire District would like to welcome Karen to our board and we look forward to working with her in the future. Two qualified candidates applied for the open position. Michele Baca who has been a Mayer resident for 3 years also showed interest to serve the community as a fire board member.

The Mayer Fire Board is currently full and will have two positons up for election in November 2016. The term will run from November 2016 to November 2020.


See attached photo: Fire Board Chairman Paul Coe swears in Karen Paterno to serve on the Mayer Fire District Governing Board.

New Board Member Karen Paterno

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